
What a rough week and then some

I've been feeling ill for some time. I've been having migraines as well as fevers daily and have not been able to get out much lately. School has started up again and I've switched from Creative Writing to Media Arts. I'm supposed to be working on a film edit, but am having trouble with linux and had to totally reinstall windows last weekend. I saw a specialist yesterday and was reasured that my scans didn't show anything to worry about. My ear, which was perforated, is healing nicely and there is no sign of it re-opening. So that's good news. But that was yesterday.
At 1 or 2am I spoke to my mother and found out that My Cousin's Girlfriend has been lying about him being the father of her boy. Well maybe not totally knowingly lying because she wrote in her diary that it could have been 1 of three people. So my cousin got a paternity test which came back negative. Of course he's crushed. His mother is crushed. I'm crushed. My mother is crushed. The boy is now two and the two of us have bonded. Now he is being taken off by child protective services and I will probably never see him again. I've never liked kids but I liked this one. Partly because I thought he was the son of my cousin with whom I've been close all my life even though we don't see each other that often. And of course the kid is adorable.

Anger: My thoughts were negative before learning about this lengthy deceit. My doctor's appointment fell on september 11th. I looked up some numbers on Iraq. on 9/11 around 3000 people died. But now. 7 years later; god I can't believe it's been 7 years; Bush's totally unrelated Iraq war has claimed the lives of over 4000 Americans and over 90,000 Iraqis. Meanwhile Osama has had time to regroup in his hidout and the last time I heard Bush talk about him he said "I don't think about him that much." So much for bringing the perpetrators to justice. Afghanistan is in a sorry state and they don't have enough troops to fight the Taliban, much less find Bin Laden. 7 and a half years later, it will be the job of the next president to find him and get us out of Iraq. It's good to see some change here in Australia though. Now the US is the ONLY major civilized country not to sign Kyoto. Australia was the 2nd until the last election, not that I follow Australian Politics that closely. Friends tell me not to watch the news because I will be depressed by it. Maybe there should be news light for those who suffer from strong Welfschmerz. I look at the world and think what it could be. It could be so much better.
I was watching the West Wing as its fantasy whitehouse is so much better than the real one right now. In the episode I watched last night Bartlett invoked the 25th ammendment, stepping down from the presidency temporarily. Apparently GW has done this twice, a very scary thought, both times to have a colonoscopy. Anyway the point, yes there is one, is that Someone had to read the oath of office. I was struck by the first part of it and imagined that with Bush's penchant for not reading anything longer than a page, maybe he just didn't think about the part about protecting the constitution and only got as far as I ... do solomly swear that I shall faithfully execute the office of President of the United States." Yeah I think he's at least maimed it. It's pretty had to get the worst approval rating since Hoover. And in Hoovers defence, he didn't actually cause the great depression. Bush on the other hand is fully responsible for what has happened though apparantly Dick and Rove have been making many of the decisions as Bush recently intimated, saying he wasn't in "those meetings." As for Congress, well I'm quite dissapointed in my representatives. The speaker of the house represents my district in the US, and she refuses to hold actual impeachment hearings when here we have a president and vice president who without a doubt in most peoples minds have commited major crimes and in outing Plame, even treason, yet congress won't impeach. Congress tried to impeach Clinton for years, wasting lots of money, and the only crime they could even come close to pinning on him was purjury, but even that is doubtful. He only said that under the precise description given by the lawyers, he had not had sexual relations with Lewinski. Outside the courtrooms definition, yes he lied, but purjery is still questionable and if purjury is enough to impeach a president then how can a torturing, wiretapping, constitution ignoring president be given a free ride by a Democraticly controlled Congress, whom we voted in to change things but they haven't been able to.
This world is a crazy place. It's times like these that I'm in a way glad I don't get out much. Life is much simpler in the world of my imaginings.
Anyway I've been up all night after hearing the news about my little lost nephew, so I should try to get some rest, but I haven't posted a blog on here in so long, I thought it was about time I added something.
To all the good people out there, wherever you are, peace and love.
TM signing out.

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