
I'm an Alien

I am an Alien. Well I've always felt that I was different from other humans, but there is more. My mother is an Alien, and therefor, I must be an Alien. You see my mother Was born in Australia- up north in Toowoomba, and she now lives in the US. She has a green card, which oddly isn't green, but it classifies her as a legal Alien under US law. She has talked of becoming a US citizen, but has yet to do so. So I proudly proclaim, that I am an Alien
That said, what is it like for an Alien Mutt, living in Oz? Well I don't like cricket, or rugby, or Aussie Rules "football." like my British forfathers, football= soccer to me. I like that, but mostly for the short shorts. It doesn't seem to be very popular here. Of course I also Hate football, but I do like "America's Pastime," baseball. I grew up watching the Royals, and recall watching the 1 time they won the world series. I have ordered a DVD of the games as no one plays baseball here and it is one thing I miss.
The other thing I miss is peperoni and sausage pizza. It's almost impossible to find here, which is odd since I live near a large Italian population. They like to put BBQ sauce on Pizza instead of Tomato paste. YUCK!
As for politics, I don't understand Oz politics. I voted to kick Howard out, and the government has been better in some ways since then. I have watched a few bits of Parliament. It's more interesting than C-spann, because of the penchent for members to call others things like "an ignorant nong." Not quite sure what that is.
Also, when I first got here, I got a new uncle. Well there is a saying which basically goes. If you do this that and the other and (you'll do fine) only they don't say you'll be fine. They say "Bob's your uncle. Ironically, I now have an internet router/modem called "BOB." So my uncle is a machine. Maybe I'm part Alien, part cyborg.
Any questions from either side of the Pacific?
This Mutt is signing off for now.
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I have recently started using a biofeedback device from wild divine http://www.wilddivine.com
and was asked by the interactive program to think about my breathing, but not control it.
I discovered, when I was 10 or younger, that it is impossible to maintain the involuntary breathing we do when thinking about breathing. We are forced to take control or not breath. Surely this isn't just me?
Anyway, I strongly recommend the iom biofeedback device and Relaxing Rythems software with which it is bundled. I also use it with Neuroprogrammer to customize and improve its effectiveness.
Another Random thought...
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